Virtue: SAPIENTIA; Wisdom

a) The Sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis 22:1-14)

Circumscription: Victimet ut caram prolem pater aptat ad aram
"The father gets ready to sacrifice the beloved son on the altar"

b) The Suffering of the Lord (Matthew 27:33-50; Mark 15:22-37; Luke 23:33-46; John 19:17-25)

Circumscription: Victima mactatur qua nostra ruina levatur
"The sacrificial victim by whom our fall is reversed suffers death"

c) Grapevine on a Stick (Numbers 13:1-26)

Circumscription: Vecte crucis lignum botro Christi lege signum
"Recognize the grapevine on a stick as sign of Christ's wooden cross"